Figure 2.
(A) Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) peak shifts as a function of time during supported lipid bilayer (SLB) fabrication on silica-coated nanodisk arrays using zwitterionic DOPC and positively charged DOPC:DOEPC 70:30 vesicles. Inset shows the characteristic kink in the LSPR response, which is associated with the onset of vesicle rupture at a critical surface coverage of adsorbed vesicles; (B) LSPR peak shifts as a function of ΔRIU in glycerol/water mixtures. Linear fits show bulk refractive index sensitivities (nm/RIU) of bare silica-coated nanodisk arrays as well as silica-coated nanodisk arrays coated with DOPC and DOPC:DOEPC 70:30 SLBs.