Figure 3.
(A) Images of CF680R-actin SiMS in cell periphery of XTC cells (left) or A6 cells (right). The acquisition condition is with the custom filter set for CF680R-actin (an exciter filter: 661 ± 10 nm, an emitter filter: 716 ± 40 nm and a dichroic beamsplitter: 685 nm), the 75 W xenon illumination attenuated by a 12% neutral density filter, and a 1 s exposure time. Bar = 10 µm; (B) Autofluorescence images in an intact Xenopus XTC cell (upper) or A6 cell (lower) acquired under the conditions for DL550-actin SiMS (left) or CF680R-actin SiMS (right). The acquisition condition for DL550-actin SiMS is with the filter set for DL550-actin (Semrock TRITIC-B single-band filter set composed of an exciter filter: 543 ± 20 nm, an emitter filter: 593 ± 40 nm and a dichroic beamsplitter: 562 nm), the 75 W xenon illumination attenuated by a 12% neutral density filter and a 1 s exposure time. The acquisition condition for CF680R-actin SiMS is the same as in (A). The right graphs show fluorescence intensity measured by line-scan analysis along the yellow line in the images. Blue lines: Autofluorescence detected with the filter set for DL550. Red lines: Autofluorescence detected with the filter set for CF680R. Bar = 10 µm. The data shown are representative of four independent experiments.