Relation between survival prediction and peritoneal or circulatory numbers of neutrophils. Total numbers of neutrophils (A) and macrophages (C) present in the peritoneum were calculated based on total and differential cell counts. Circulating counts of neutrophils (B) were obtained on a Hemavet instrument. For A, C, at 6 h n = 9 for Live-P and 11 for Die-P, and at 24 h n = 20 for Live-P and 10 for Die-P. For B, at 6 h n = 9 for Live-P and 11 for Die-P, and at 24 h n = 19 for Live-P and 9 for Die-P. Results are shown as mean ± SEM. p < 0.05 when compared with Live-P at 6 h (a); Die-P at 6 h (b); Live-P at 24 h (c).