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. 2005 Mar 12;330(7491):576–580. doi: 10.1136/bmj.330.7491.576

Table 1.

What to do after 20 weeks' gestation*

Frequency intervals
Frequency levels Criteria 24-32 weeks' gestation 32 weeks to delivery
Action: offer healthy pregnant women one of two levels of midwife or general practitioner led community monitoring for indications of pre-eclampsia, according to their likelihood of developing pre-eclampsia (grade B)
Level 1 Women with none of factors in box 2 As per local protocols and NICE antenatal guideline for low risk multiparous women As per local protocols and NICE antenatal guideline for low risk multiparous women
Level 2 Women with one predisposing factor in box 2 and no factor that requires referral in early pregnancy (box 3) Minimum standard no more than three week interval between assessments, adjusted to individual needs and any changes during pregnancy Minimum standard no more than two week interval between assessments, adjusted to individual needs and any changes during pregnancy

By definition pre-eclampsia cannot be diagnosed before 20 weeks' gestation.

Women who have been referred early in pregnancy (see box 3) do not qualify for either level of monitoring.

Corresponds to NICE antenatal guideline for primiparous women.