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. 2017 Aug 2;15:139. doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0907-4

Table 2.

Detail of the studies included in the review

First author Year Country Time frame of SQ Diagnosis Clinician Location/setting Total Patient age (Mean, SD) Patient Sex (M:F) Mean QS (/ 9)
Amro [18] 2016 USA 12 months End-stage renal failure Nephrologists Dialysis unit/hospital 201 66 105:46 6.5
Barnes [35] 2008 UK 12 months Heart failure General practitioners General practice 231 77 (71–82)c 120:111 4.5h
Carmena [19] 2016 Spain 12 months End stage renal failure Medical staff HD unit 49 NR NR 5.0h
Cohen [20] 2010 USA 6 months End-stage renal failure Nephrologists HD 5 units 450b 61 (17) 285:225 8.0
Da Silva [40] 2013 UK 12 months End-stage renal failure Nurses and Nephrologists HD units 344 63.6 (15.5) 221:123 6.5
Fenning [30] 2012 UK 6–12 months Heart failure Clinical team Hospital cardiology unit 172 66 105:67 9.0
Feyi [21] 2015 UK 6–12 months End-stage renal failure Consultant renal physician, consultant in palliative medicine and renal nursing staff Dialysis unit/hospital 178 NR 48:22 6.0
Gardiner [36] 2013 UK 12 months Any diagnosis Doctor (Nursing Staff) Acute hospital 297 78d 136:161 5.5
Reida [43] 2012 UK during this admission Any diagnosis Nursing staff 5 wards and 2 specialist palliative care beds 6703 80.6 (11.2) 20:40 (partial) 5.0h
Gopinathana [31] 2016 India 6 months End-stage renal failure Principal investigator Tertiary care hospital 39 NR NR 5.0h
Haga [15] 2012 UK 6–12 months Heart failure Specialist heart failure nurse Hospital community-based patients 138 77 (10) 91:47 7.5
Halbea [22] 2015 Germany 12 months Cancer Medical staff Haematology and oncology outpatient clinic 651 NR NR 5.5
Hamano [23] 2015 Japan 7 days Cancer Palliative care physicians’ 16 palliative care units, 19 hospital-based palliative care teams, and 23 home-based palliative care services 2361 69.1 (12.6) 1358:1003 6.5
Johnson [37] 2012 UK 12 months Heart failure Heart failure nurse Cardiology palliative care team 126 78 (10.7)e 78:47 5.5
Khana [44] 2014 USA 6 months Any diagnosis Intensivists Medical intensive care unit 500 NR NR 3.0h
Lefkowitsa [38] 2015 USA 12 months Cancer Physicians, advanced practice providers, 4 nurses Academic institution 263 NR 0:263 5.5
Lilley [39] 2016 USA 12 month Any diagnosis Surgeons Tertiary care academic hospital 163 NR 78:85 7.5
Moroni [25] 2014 Italy 12 months Cancer General practitioners GPs 231 70.2 (0.9) 117:114 8.5
Moss [27] 2008 USA 12 months End-stage renal failure Nurse practitioner 3 HD units 147 66.4 (14.8) NR 7.5
Moss [26] 2010 USA 12 months Cancer Oncologists Academic cancer centre 826 60 (13) 126:727 7.5
O'Callaghan [28] 2014 New Zealand 6 months Any diagnosis Two expert palliative care clinicians (doctor and a nurse) Tertiary New Zealand teaching hospital 501 NR 47:50g 7.0
Pang [29] 2013 Hong Kong 12 months End-stage renal failure Nephrologists Dialysis centre 367 60.2 (12.3) 204:163 6.5
Southa [32] 2011 UK 6–12 months COPD Clinician Nurse-led unit for COPD 199 70 (37–93)f 92:107 4.5h
Strouta [42] 2016 USA 30 days Sepsis Emergency physicians Emergency Dept 330 NR 181:149 4.5h
Thiagarajan [33] 2012 UK 12 months Any diagnosis Doctor, nurse, physiotherapist and occupational therapist Inpatient of an acute/geriatric medical ward 130 80.7 (18–104)f 55:75 7.5
Vicka [34] 2015 USA 12 months Cancer Oncology clinicians Cancer centre 4617 NR NR 3.0h


bOut of a total sample of 512, 450 had a response to the SQ

cMedian (IQR)


eMean number of days (IQR)


gIncluded one transgender and one unknown

hExcluded for sensitivity analysis

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, NR not reported