Fig. 2.
Correspondence analysis bi-plots for debranched pea starch from the GH2010 (a and b) and Field2011 (c and d) trials, derived from a two-way contingency table with the variables DP (columns) and pea lines (rows), and plotted against the first and second dimensions. Degrees of polymerization (DP) are plotted in graphs a and c (red circles) while the pea lines in each pot (GH2010) or plot (Field2011), including controls, are plotted in graphs b and d (round seeded lines are indicated with green circles, wrinkled seeded lines with blue stars). a and c versus b and d are not plotted on the same scale since the points for the pea lines (b and d) occur near the centroid of plots A and C and occupy only a small area of the DP points