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. 2017 Aug 2;7:81. doi: 10.1186/s13613-017-0303-4

Table 1.

Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of critically ill patients undergoing early neurocognitive intervention (n = 20)

Age, years (M, SD) 65 10
Sex (N,  %)
 Male 14 63.66
 Female 6 27.33
Diagnosis (N,  %)
  Pneumonia 3 15
  Septic shock 3 15
  Acute respiratory failure 1 5
  ARDS 1 5
  Pancreatitis 1 5
  Toxic intake 1 5
 Unplanned surgery
  Peritonitis 3 15
  Multiple trauma 2 10
  Intestinal perforation 2 10
  Pneumoperitoneum 1 5
 Planned surgery
  Hemorrhagic shock 1 5
  Esophageal perforation 1 5
Receiving MV at inclusion (N,  %) 7 35
APACHE-II (M, SD) 24.84 9.04
SOFA (M, SD) 9.58 4.23
GCS (M, SD) 10.33 5.91
ICU LoS, days (Md, IQR) 16.00 2.00
Total MV time, days (Md, IQR) 9.50 1.00
Sedation, days (Md, IQR) 5.00 0.00
Delirium, days (Md, IQR) 1.39 0.80
Septic shock (N,  %) 12 60
Cardiac arrest (N,  %) 1 5

APACHE-II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, ICU intensive care unit, IQR interquartile range, LoS length of stay, M mean, Md median, MV mechanical ventilation, SD standard deviation