A projection of the molecular structure of the benzaldehyde addition product 6 to the C/B FLP (thermal ellipsoids are shown with 15% probability). Selected bond lengths (Å) and angles (°): O1–C13: 1.402(3), O1–B1: 1.488(3), N1–C1: 1.291(3), C1–C2: 1.462(3), C2–C3: 1.552(3), C2–C13: 1.572(3), C3–B1: 1.674(3), C3–C4: 1.531(4), C13–O1–B1: 109.2(2), C1–N1–C10: 124.1(2), N1–C1–C2: 129.3(2), C3–C2–C13: 101.6(2), C2–C3–B1: 100.6(2).