Table 1.
International Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium (IGCLC) criteria for HDGC.
Established criteriaa | Families in whom testing could be considereda |
Families with two or more patients with gastric cancer at any age, one confirmed DGC | Bilateral LBC or family history of 2 or more cases of LBC < 50 |
Individuals with DGC before the age of 40 | A personal or family history of cleft lip/palate in a person with DGC |
Families with diagnoses of both DGC and LBC (one diagnosis before the age of 50) | In situ signet ring cells and/or pagetoid spread of signet ring cells |
aIncluding first- and second-degree relatives.
HDGC, hereditary diffuse gastric cancer; DGC, diffuse gastric cancer; LBC, lobular breast cancer.