Table 1.
Authorship, year of publication and reference | Number of subjects | Sport(s) | Type of athletes and type of analysis | Basal levels | Functional tests and responses |
Aissa et al., 1999 [25] | 36 | Volleyball, soccer and karate | AA (CC) | ↓IGFBP-3/nl IGF-1/nl IGFBP-1/↑IGF-1/IGFBP-3 ratio | - |
Aubry et al., 2015 [2] | 31 | Triathlon | AA (RRH) | - | OTP (↓serum catecholamines) |
Barron et al., 1985 [38] | 6 | Long distance running | AA (CC, CRH) | ↑cortisol/↑ACTH | ITT (↓cortisol/↓ACTH) |
Booth CK et al., 2006 [16] | 43 | Multiple (military activities) | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (↓T/C/nl free T/nl cortisol) |
Coutts et al., 2007 [13] | 18 | Rugby | PHA (CHB, RRH) | - | OTP (Nl total T/↓Total T/↓T/C/nl ACTH/nl cortisol/nl insulin/nl nocturnal urinary catecholamines) |
Coutts et al., 2007 [14] | 7 | Rugby | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (↓T/C/nl total T/nl cortisol) |
Coutts et al., 2007 [15] | 16 | Rugby | PHA (RRH) | - | OTP (Nl T// nl total T/nl cortisol) |
Elloumi et al., 2005 [18] | 11 | Rugby | AA (CC, CRH, RRH) | Nl IGF-1/nl IGFBP-3 | ME after OTP (↓IGFBP-3/↑IGF-1/nl IGF-1/↑IGF-1/IGBP-3 ratio) |
Fry et al., 2006 [17] | 16 | Weight-lifting | PHA (CHB, RRH) | - | OTP (↑Nocturnal urinary Catecholamines/↓muscle beta2 receptors) |
Fry et al., 1998 [27] | 17 | Weight lifting | AA (CC, RRH) | Nl GH/nl Pep F/↓TotalT/nl freeT, | OTP (Nl GH/Nl Pep F/↓TotalT/↓freeT/↓T/C/↓FreelT/C) |
Fry et al., 1994 [31] | 17 | Weight-lifting | AA (CC, CRH) | Nl Plasma Catecholamines | ME (↑Plasma Catecholamines) |
Fry et al., 1992 [34] | 5 | Middle distance running | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (Nl total T/nl cortisol/nl SHBG/nl LH/nl FSH/nl T/C) |
Hedelin et al., 2000 [23] | 9 | Rowing | PHA (CHB) | - | CSP (↓ cortisol/nl total T) |
Hoogeveen et al., 1996 [30] | 10 | Cycling | PHA (CHB, CB) | - | a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl total T/nl LH/nl cortisol) b. ME after OTP (Nl total T/nl LH/nl cortisol) |
Hooper et al., 1993 [32] | 14 | Swimming | AA (CC) | ↑Norepinephrine | - |
Hug et al., 2003 [22] | 11 | Cycling | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (↑Total T/↑free T/↓cortisol/nl SHBG/↓GH/nl IGF-1/nl IGFBP-3/nl T/C) |
Hynynem et al., 2006 | 24 | Multiple (military activities) | AA (CC) | Nl nocturnal catecholamines/nl nocturnal cortisol | - |
Kraemer et al., 2004 [21] | 25 | Soccer | PHA (CHB, RRH) | - | CSP (Nl Total T/nl cortisol) |
Lehmann et al., 1992 [35] | 8 | Middle distance running | PHA (CHB, CB) | - | a. Resting levels after OTP (↓cortisol/↓aldosterone, nl total T/nl insulin/nl pep C, nl GH/nl prolactin/nl FSH/nl LH/nl TSH/nl T3/nl T4, ↓nocturnal urinary catecholamines/nl plasma catecholamines) b. ME after OTP (↓cortisol/↓aldosterone/nl testosterone/insuli/nl pepC/nl GH/nl prolactina/nl FSH/nl LH/nl TSH/nl plasma catecholamines) |
Lehmann et al., 1990 [36] | 9 | Middle distance run | PHA (CHB, CB) | - | a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl cortisol/↑aldosterone/nl total T/nl insulin/nl pep C/nl GH/nl prolactin/nl FSH/nl LH/nl TSH/nl T3/nl T4/↓NUC/nl plasma catecholamines/nl 24 h UFC) b. ME after OTP (Nl cortisol/↑aldosterone/nl testosterone/nl insulin/nl pepC/nl GH/↓prolactin, nl/FSH/nl LH/↓TSH/↓ plasma catecholamines) |
Le Meur et al., 2014 [3] | 35 | Triathlon | PHA (CHB, RRH) | - | OTP + CSP (↓serum catecholamines) |
Le Meur et al., 2013 [4] | 35 | Running | PHA (CHB, RRH) | - | OTP (Nl serum catecholamines) |
Mackinnon et al., 1997 [29] | 24 | Swimming | AA (CC) | ↓NUC Nl plasma cathecolamines/nl T/C/nl total T | - |
Meeusen et al., 2010 [9] | 8 | Long distance run/Triathlon/Cycling/Motor Cross/Short distance run | AA (CC, CRH) | ↑GH/↑ACTH | TBE (OTS compared to OR) (↓GH/↓ACTH) |
Meeusen et al., 2004 [20] | 7 | Cycling | AA (CC, CRH) | Nl cortisol, prolactin/nl GH/nl ACTH | TBE (OTS compared to control) (↓GH/↓ACTH/↓cortisol/↓prolactin) |
Moore et al., 2007 [12] | 9 | American football | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (↓Total T/nl cortisol/nl T/C) |
Nederhof et al., 2008 [11] | 3 | Skaters | AA (CC, CRH) | ↓cortisol/nl ACTH | TBE (nl ACTH/nl cortisol) |
O’Connor et al., 1989 [37] | 14 women (3 NFOR | Swmming | AA (CC) | ↑16 h salivary cortisol | - |
Rietjens GJ et al., 2005 [19] | 7 | Not specified | PHA (CRH, CHB, RRH, CB) | Nl GH/nl IGF-1/nl ACTH/nl cortisol | a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl GH/nl IGF-1/nl ACTH/nl cortisol) b. Short ITT after OTP (Nl GH/nl IGF-1/nl ACTH/nl cortisol) |
Roberts et al., 1993 [33] | 5 | ? | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (↓ total T/↑cortisol/↓T/C/↓fertility) |
Schmikli et al., 2012 [5] | 21 | Soccer | AA (CC, CRH) | ↓GH/nl ACTH/nl cortisol | ME (↓GH/↓ACTH/nl cortisol) |
Schmikli et al., 2011 [7] | 15 | Soccer/Middle-long distance run | AA (CC, CRH) | nl cortisol/nl ACTH | ME (↓cortisol/decoupled ACTH to cortisol response/nl ACTH) |
Slivka et al., 2010 [10] | 8 | Cycling, Triathlon | PHA (CHB, CB) | - | a. ME after OTP (↓salivary cortisol/↓salivary testosterone/↑T/C) b. Resting levels after OTP (↓salivary cortisol/nl salivary testosterone) |
Steinacker et al., 2000 [24] | 10 | Rowing | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (Nl total T, nl cortisol, nl DHEA-S/↓LH/↓FSH/nl aldosterone/↓insulin/↓pep C/nl prolactin/↑GH) |
Tanskanen et al., 2011 [6] | Not Specified | Multiple (military) | AA (CC, CRH) | nl T/C ratio/↑cortisol/↑SHBG | ME (↓cortisol) |
Thiel et al., 2011 [8] | 3 | Tennis | PHA (CHB) | - | OTP (↓IGF-1/nl T/C) |
Urhausen et al., 1998 [26] | 17 | Cycling, triathlon | AA (CC, RRH) | Nl Nocturnal Cathecolamines/nl GH/nl cortisol/nl insulin/nl LH/nl FSH/testosterone/nl SHBG/nl T/SHBG/nl T/C/↑ACTH | ME (↓GH/↓ACTH/↓insulin/nl cortisol) |
Uusitalo et al., 1998 [28] | 15 | Middle-distance running, skiing, triathlon and orienting. | PHA (CHB, RRH, CRH) | - | a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl cortisol/nl serum catecholamines/nl testosterone) b. ME after OTP (↓serum adrenaline/nl serum noradrenaline/↓cortisol) |
General: N number of subjects, Nl normal levels, NS Not Specified
Parameters: Pep F Peptide F (preproencephaline), TotalT Total testosterone, freeT free testosterone, T/C Total Testosterone/Cortisol ratio; freeT/C Free Testosterone/Cortisol ratio
Performed tests: ME Maximal Exercises, TBE Two-Bout Protocol Exercise, ITT insulin tolerance test, OTP Overload Training Program, CSP Competition Season Period
Studies athletes: PHA Previously Healthy Athletes, AA Athletes affected by OTS/NFOR/FOR
Type of analysis: CC = Basal levels compared with healthy athletes; CHB = Resting hormone levels in FOR-induced athletes compared to previous basal levels of the same subjects when previously healthy; CRH = Acute hormone response to stimulation tests compared to acute response in healthy athletes; RRH = Resting hormone levels to OTP in athletes previously affected by OTS/NFOR/FOR compared to basal hormones in healthy athletes; CB = Acute hormone responses compared to basal levels in the same affected athletes