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. 2017 Aug 2;9:14. doi: 10.1186/s13102-017-0079-8

Table 1.

Description of selected studies

Authorship, year of publication and reference Number of subjects Sport(s) Type of athletes and type of analysis Basal levels Functional tests and responses
Aissa et al., 1999 [25] 36 Volleyball, soccer and karate AA (CC) ↓IGFBP-3/nl IGF-1/nl IGFBP-1/↑IGF-1/IGFBP-3 ratio -
Aubry et al., 2015 [2] 31 Triathlon AA (RRH) - OTP (↓serum catecholamines)
Barron et al., 1985 [38] 6 Long distance running AA (CC, CRH) ↑cortisol/↑ACTH ITT (↓cortisol/↓ACTH)
Booth CK et al., 2006 [16] 43 Multiple (military activities) PHA (CHB) - OTP (↓T/C/nl free T/nl cortisol)
Coutts et al., 2007 [13] 18 Rugby PHA (CHB, RRH) - OTP (Nl total T/↓Total T/↓T/C/nl ACTH/nl cortisol/nl insulin/nl nocturnal urinary catecholamines)
Coutts et al., 2007 [14] 7 Rugby PHA (CHB) - OTP (↓T/C/nl total T/nl cortisol)
Coutts et al., 2007 [15] 16 Rugby PHA (RRH) - OTP (Nl T// nl total T/nl cortisol)
Elloumi et al., 2005 [18] 11 Rugby AA (CC, CRH, RRH) Nl IGF-1/nl IGFBP-3 ME after OTP (↓IGFBP-3/↑IGF-1/nl IGF-1/↑IGF-1/IGBP-3 ratio)
Fry et al., 2006 [17] 16 Weight-lifting PHA (CHB, RRH) - OTP (↑Nocturnal urinary Catecholamines/↓muscle beta2 receptors)
Fry et al., 1998 [27] 17 Weight lifting AA (CC, RRH) Nl GH/nl Pep F/↓TotalT/nl freeT, OTP (Nl GH/Nl Pep F/↓TotalT/↓freeT/↓T/C/↓FreelT/C)
Fry et al., 1994 [31] 17 Weight-lifting AA (CC, CRH) Nl Plasma Catecholamines ME (↑Plasma Catecholamines)
Fry et al., 1992 [34] 5 Middle distance running PHA (CHB) - OTP (Nl total T/nl cortisol/nl SHBG/nl LH/nl FSH/nl T/C)
Hedelin et al., 2000 [23] 9 Rowing PHA (CHB) - CSP (↓ cortisol/nl total T)
Hoogeveen et al., 1996 [30] 10 Cycling PHA (CHB, CB) - a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl total T/nl LH/nl cortisol)
b. ME after OTP (Nl total T/nl LH/nl cortisol)
Hooper et al., 1993 [32] 14 Swimming AA (CC) ↑Norepinephrine -
Hug et al., 2003 [22] 11 Cycling PHA (CHB) - OTP (↑Total T/↑free T/↓cortisol/nl SHBG/↓GH/nl IGF-1/nl IGFBP-3/nl T/C)
Hynynem et al., 2006 24 Multiple (military activities) AA (CC) Nl nocturnal catecholamines/nl nocturnal cortisol -
Kraemer et al., 2004 [21] 25 Soccer PHA (CHB, RRH) - CSP (Nl Total T/nl cortisol)
Lehmann et al., 1992 [35] 8 Middle distance running PHA (CHB, CB) - a. Resting levels after OTP (↓cortisol/↓aldosterone, nl total T/nl insulin/nl pep C, nl GH/nl prolactin/nl FSH/nl LH/nl TSH/nl T3/nl T4, ↓nocturnal urinary catecholamines/nl plasma catecholamines)
b. ME after OTP (↓cortisol/↓aldosterone/nl testosterone/insuli/nl pepC/nl GH/nl prolactina/nl FSH/nl LH/nl TSH/nl plasma catecholamines)
Lehmann et al., 1990 [36] 9 Middle distance run PHA (CHB, CB) - a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl cortisol/↑aldosterone/nl total T/nl insulin/nl pep C/nl GH/nl prolactin/nl FSH/nl LH/nl TSH/nl T3/nl T4/↓NUC/nl plasma catecholamines/nl 24 h UFC)
b. ME after OTP (Nl cortisol/↑aldosterone/nl testosterone/nl insulin/nl pepC/nl GH/↓prolactin, nl/FSH/nl LH/↓TSH/↓ plasma catecholamines)
Le Meur et al., 2014 [3] 35 Triathlon PHA (CHB, RRH) - OTP + CSP (↓serum catecholamines)
Le Meur et al., 2013 [4] 35 Running PHA (CHB, RRH) - OTP (Nl serum catecholamines)
Mackinnon et al., 1997 [29] 24 Swimming AA (CC) ↓NUC Nl plasma cathecolamines/nl T/C/nl total T -
Meeusen et al., 2010 [9] 8 Long distance run/Triathlon/Cycling/Motor Cross/Short distance run AA (CC, CRH) ↑GH/↑ACTH TBE (OTS compared to OR) (↓GH/↓ACTH)
Meeusen et al., 2004 [20] 7 Cycling AA (CC, CRH) Nl cortisol, prolactin/nl GH/nl ACTH TBE (OTS compared to control) (↓GH/↓ACTH/↓cortisol/↓prolactin)
Moore et al., 2007 [12] 9 American football PHA (CHB) - OTP (↓Total T/nl cortisol/nl T/C)
Nederhof et al., 2008 [11] 3 Skaters AA (CC, CRH) ↓cortisol/nl ACTH TBE (nl ACTH/nl cortisol)
O’Connor et al., 1989 [37] 14 women (3 NFOR Swmming AA (CC) ↑16 h salivary cortisol -
Rietjens GJ et al., 2005 [19] 7 Not specified PHA (CRH, CHB, RRH, CB) Nl GH/nl IGF-1/nl ACTH/nl cortisol a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl GH/nl IGF-1/nl ACTH/nl cortisol)
b. Short ITT after OTP (Nl GH/nl IGF-1/nl ACTH/nl cortisol)
Roberts et al., 1993 [33] 5 ? PHA (CHB) - OTP (↓ total T/↑cortisol/↓T/C/↓fertility)
Schmikli et al., 2012 [5] 21 Soccer AA (CC, CRH) ↓GH/nl ACTH/nl cortisol ME (↓GH/↓ACTH/nl cortisol)
Schmikli et al., 2011 [7] 15 Soccer/Middle-long distance run AA (CC, CRH) nl cortisol/nl ACTH ME (↓cortisol/decoupled ACTH to cortisol response/nl ACTH)
Slivka et al., 2010 [10] 8 Cycling, Triathlon PHA (CHB, CB) - a. ME after OTP (↓salivary cortisol/↓salivary testosterone/↑T/C)
b. Resting levels after OTP (↓salivary cortisol/nl salivary testosterone)
Steinacker et al., 2000 [24] 10 Rowing PHA (CHB) - OTP (Nl total T, nl cortisol, nl DHEA-S/↓LH/↓FSH/nl aldosterone/↓insulin/↓pep C/nl prolactin/↑GH)
Tanskanen et al., 2011 [6] Not Specified Multiple (military) AA (CC, CRH) nl T/C ratio/↑cortisol/↑SHBG ME (↓cortisol)
Thiel et al., 2011 [8] 3 Tennis PHA (CHB) - OTP (↓IGF-1/nl T/C)
Urhausen et al., 1998 [26] 17 Cycling, triathlon AA (CC, RRH) Nl Nocturnal Cathecolamines/nl GH/nl cortisol/nl insulin/nl LH/nl FSH/testosterone/nl SHBG/nl T/SHBG/nl T/C/↑ACTH ME (↓GH/↓ACTH/↓insulin/nl cortisol)
Uusitalo et al., 1998 [28] 15 Middle-distance running, skiing, triathlon and orienting. PHA (CHB, RRH, CRH) - a. Resting levels after OTP (Nl cortisol/nl serum catecholamines/nl testosterone)
b. ME after OTP (↓serum adrenaline/nl serum noradrenaline/↓cortisol)

General: N number of subjects, Nl normal levels, NS Not Specified

Parameters: Pep F Peptide F (preproencephaline), TotalT Total testosterone, freeT free testosterone, T/C Total Testosterone/Cortisol ratio; freeT/C Free Testosterone/Cortisol ratio

Performed tests: ME Maximal Exercises, TBE Two-Bout Protocol Exercise, ITT insulin tolerance test, OTP Overload Training Program, CSP Competition Season Period

Studies athletes: PHA Previously Healthy Athletes, AA Athletes affected by OTS/NFOR/FOR

Type of analysis: CC = Basal levels compared with healthy athletes; CHB = Resting hormone levels in FOR-induced athletes compared to previous basal levels of the same subjects when previously healthy; CRH = Acute hormone response to stimulation tests compared to acute response in healthy athletes; RRH = Resting hormone levels to OTP in athletes previously affected by OTS/NFOR/FOR compared to basal hormones in healthy athletes; CB = Acute hormone responses compared to basal levels in the same affected athletes