Sensitivity analysis results shown for the full multi-input–multi-output case (magnitude ratio of the total output in each DOF for equal inputs in all DOF). Although changing inertia, damping, stiffness, or posture affects the sizes of the magnitude ratios, the principles presented in the Discussion remain valid. Magnitude ratios were evaluated at 8 Hz. The blue magnitude ratios in each plot were calculated using the default inertia, damping, and stiffness matrices. A-C. Effect of multiplying inertia, damping, or stiffness by factors of 0.5 and 2 on the magnitude ratio. D. Effect of replacing the unknown off-diagonal values in the stiffness matrix (initially assumed zero) by half or the full average of the two corresponding diagonal values. E. Effect of posture. Changing posture tends to switch which DOF are coupled to each other (not shown), but the total amount of coupling in each DOF remains relatively unaffected (assuming inputs in all DOF).