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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Lung Cancer. 2017 Jun 8;110:42–47. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2017.06.002

Table 1.

Selected baseline characteristics of participants by randomization assignment in the WHI CaD Trial

CaD (n = 18,176) Placebo (n = 18,106) p value
Age at screening (y) (%)
 <50–59 6726 (37.5) 6696 (37.0) >0.99
 60–69 8276 (45.5) 8243 (45.5)
 70–79 3174 (17.5) 3167 (17.5)
Race-ethnicity (%)
 Non-Hispanic white 15051 (83.0) 15104 (83.6) 0.41
 Black/African American 1680 (9.3) 1635 (9.0)
 Hispanic/Latino 785 (4.3) 717 (4.0)
 American Indian 77 (0.4) 72 (0.4)
 Asian/Pacific islander 370 (2.0) 351 (1.9)
 Unknown 213 (1.0) 227 (1.1)
Education (%)
 High school or less 4286 (23.6) 4290 (23.7) 0.98
 School after high school 7217 (39.7) 7156 (39.5)
 College degree or higher 6557 (36.1) 6545 (36.2)
 Unknown 116 (0.6) 115 (0.6)
Smoking status (%)
 Never 9325 (51.9) 9428 (52.6) 0.31
 Former smoker 7255 (40.3) 7133 (39.8)
 Current smoker 1405 (7.8) 1356 (7.6)
Pack years of smoking (%)
 Never 9325 (52.0) 9428 (53.9) 0.10
 <5 2498 (14.2) 2436 (13.9)
 5–20 2463 (14.0) 2475 (14.2)
 ≥ 20 3323 (18.8) 3138 (18.0)
Frequency of walking outside >10 min (%)
 Rarely/never 2975 (18.6) 3043 (19.0) 0.47
 1–3 times/month 2771 (17.3) 2676 (16.7)
 1 time/week 1846 (11.5) 1860 (11.6)
 2–3 times/week 4250 (26.5) 4144 (25.9)
 4–6 time/week 3069 (19.1) 3120 (19.5)
 ≥ 7 times/week 1130 (7.0) 1160 (7.3)
Physical activity (MET/week) (%)
 0–3.00 5517 (33.3) 5478 (33.3) 0.84
 >3.00–<11.75 5463 (33.0) 5477 (33.3)
 ≥ 11.75 5566 (33.6) 5493 (33.4)
Alcohol intake (%)
 Never 1863 (10.3) 1891 (10.5) 0.89
 Past drinker 3192 (17.7) 3209 (17.8)
 <1 drink per month 2528 (14.0) 2520 (14.0)
 <1 drink per week 3859 (21.4) 3755 (20.9)
 1–<7 drinks per week 4678 (26.0) 4702 (26.2)
 ≥7 drinks per week 1908 (10.6) 1900 (10.6)
BMI, kg/m2 (%)
 <25 4745 (26.3) 4834 (26.8) 0.23
 25–30 6476 (35.8) 6487 (36.0)
 ≥30 6870 (38.0) 6692 (37.2)
Hormone-therapy use (%)
 Never used 8787 (48.4) 8627 (47.7) 0.07
 Former user 3239 (17.8) 3150 (17.4)
 Current user 6135 (33.8) 6317 (34.9)
Users of multivitamin supplement (%) 6419 (35.3) 6508 (35.9) 0.21
Total energy intake (kcal/day) § 1738.6 ± 682.9 1744.6 ± 686.0 0.40
Dietary calcium intake (mg/day) § 823.8 ± 436.1 826.8 ± 439.9 0.52
Total calcium intake (mg/day) 2§ 1118.4 ± 670.1 1120.8 ± 656.9 0.73
Dietary magnesium intake (mg/day) § 254.5 ± 95.0 255.7 ± 95.7 0.23
Total magnesium intake (mg/day) 2§ 311.2 ± 159.4 314.0 ± 167.6 0.11
Ca:Mg intake ratio § 3.73 ± 1.97 3.70 ± 2.03 0.31
Dietary vitamin D intake (IU/day) § 175.1 ± 116.7 176.0 ± 117.2 0.47
Total vitamin D intake (IU/day) 2§ 345.3 ± 259.3 350.5 ± 259.1 0.06

Includes American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, Pacific Islander, other races and unknown.


Excludes participants who had an estimated energy intake from a baseline food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) <600 or >5,000 kcal/day


Mean ± SD


Supplements + diet