Engineering and expression of Pol V largest subunit (NRPE1) proteins with deletions in the C-terminal domain (CTD).
A. Diagram of the NRPE1 protein of A. thaliana ecotype Col-0, showing the relative positions of domains A–H, conserved among multisubunit RNA polymerase largest subunits, and subdomains of the CTD.
B. Diagrams of recombinant NRPE1 constructs tested in the study. All constructs were engineered to have a C-terminal HA epitope tag, except ΔSD, described previously (El-Shami et al., 2007). Numbering denotes amino acid positions measured from the N-terminus.
C–D. Immunoblot assays following anti-HA immunoprecipitation of C-terminal (C) or internal (D) CTD deletion constructs, with non-transgenic Col-0 serving as a control. Blots were probed using antibodies recognizing the HA epitope tag or the second-largest subunit of Pol V, NRP(D/E)2. See also Figure S1.