The CTD-interactor, RRP6L1 is a 3′ to 5′ exonuclease
A. Quantitative RT-PCR of Pol V-transcript levels in the wild-type (Col-0), nrpe1-11 or rrp6L1 mutants at three IGN loci. Histograms show ratios of ΔCt (Ct − CtActin2) values in the indicated genotypes relative to Col-0. Error bars represent the propagated standard error of the mean for 3 technical replicates.
B. SYBR gold-stained polyacrylamide gels of RNA or DNA substrates following incubations with DNase I, RNase A, rRRP6L1 expressed in insect cells, or buffer (no protein). No infection controls are extracts of insect cells not infected with baculovirus but otherwise treated the same as for RRP6L1 extracts. See also Figure S5.