Figure 1. Stress-inducible HSP70 is present at mitochondria of tumor cells.
(A-C) Whole cell (WCE), cytosolic (Cyto) and mitochondrial (Mito) protein extracts were prepared from tumor cell lines H1299 lung carcinoma, MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic cancer or WM852 melanoma cells; from normal cells (mouse liver); and from cultures of primary human melanocytes and immortalized human lung fibroblasts IMR90. Western blots of the proteins were probed as indicated. For each set of extracts, equal amount of protein was loaded. (D-E) H1299 cells or isolated mitochondria, respectively, were treated with Biotin or Biotin-tagged PES (B-PES). Mitochondrial extracts were prepared, and interacting proteins captured using NeutrAvidin agarose resins. After eluting from the resin, PES-associated proteins were immunoblotted using the indicated antibodies.