Figure 4. The effect of RG108 pretreatment on RASgrf1 methylation at different time points after the onset of epileptic seizures.
(A, B) Bisulfite sequencing shows the methylation of RASgrf1 promoter segment 1 (31 CpG sites) in control mice (control group), KA-treated mice (SE group) and RG108-pretreated mice (RG group) at different time points. There was an increase in the methylation of RASgrf1 after the onset of epileptic seizures, *P < 0.05, compared with the control group. RG108 pretreatment inhibited the increase in the methylation of segment 1, as shown 10 days after the onset of epileptic seizures, #P < 0.05. (C, D) Bisulfite sequencing shows the methylation of RASgrf1 promoter segment 2 (26 CpG sites) in control mice (control group), KA-treated mice (SE group) and RG108-pretreated mice (RG group) at different time points. Compared with the control group, RASgrf1 methylation did not show a regular change at segment 2, nor did RG108 significantly affect segment 2 after the onset of epileptic seizures. Filled circles represent methylated CpG sites, and open circles represent unmethylated CpG sites (each group n = 4).