Fig 2. CD34, CD133, Nestin, α-SMA, GFAP and CD14 Area fraction in the different microvascular patterns.
(A) CD34, in addition to MS&VC and VG&GVP are no significant difference (p>0.05), the other multiple comparisons are statistically significant. (B) (C) Nestin and CD133, the multiple comparisons are statistically significant besides MS&VC. (D) α-SMA, the pairwise Comparison of the α-SMA area fraction in the different microvascular patterns are statistically significant. (E) (F) GFAP and CD14, the pairwise Comparison of the area fraction aren’t statistically significant. Horizontal lines denote the mean and standard error of mean. * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001.