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. 2017 Mar 23;(78):23–36. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.78.11640
1 Flower ca. 7 mm; petals are flat with slightly cucullate base; leaflets are thickly leathery E. reticulatum C. Y. Wu ex S. Y. Bao
Flower ca. 10 mm; petals are flat; leaflets are membranaceous.
2 Rhizome compact, diameter 4–6 mm; inflorescence panicle E. campanulatum Ogisu
Rhizome long creeping, diameter 1–3 mm; inflorescence raceme.
3 Inflorescence usually 7–14-Flowered, two alternate or opposite trifoliolate leaves E. ecalcaratum G. Y. Zhong
Inflorescence usually 2–6-Flowered, one trifoliolate leaf, sometimes two opposite trifoliolate leaves E. platypetalum K. Meyer