Figure 1. SVEP1 expression in human tissues.
(a) SVEP1 mRNA expression was evaluated using qRT-PCR in normal human tissues. Results are expressed as relative to gene expression in the placenta normalized to ACTB RNA levels; (b) SVEP1 mRNA expression in cultured human KCs and fibroblasts. Results are expressed as % of expression relative to keratinocytes and are normalized to ACTB RNA levels; (c) SVEP1 immunostaining of skin biopsies obtained from healthy individual reveals SVEP1 expression in all epidermal layers and in dermal fibroblasts residing in the upper dermis; (d) A higher magnification demonstrates increased expression of SVEP1 in the basal and suprabasal layers of the epidermis (bars; c = 100µm, d = 40µm). Dotted lines represent epidermal-dermal junction and localization of the basement membrane; E-epidermis; D-dermis; SC-stratum corneum; SG-stratum granulosum; BL-basal layer; (e–f) KCs (e) and fibroblasts (f) isolated from skin biopsies obtained from healthy individuals demonstrate SVEP1 expression most prominent in the peripheral cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments of the cells (bar = 40 µm).