Figure 4.
Simulation of the thiohemiacetal in AOX1A, AOX1C, and AOX1D. The influence of amino acid substitutions by Glu on AOX activity and its sensitivity to 2-oxo acids was analyzed as described in the legend for Figure 2. Measurements were performed as technical duplicates or triplicates. Asterisks indicate that the differences (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; and ***, P < 0.001) between the basal activity (no effector) and activities in the presence of effectors are statistically significant as determined by two-way ANOVA with posthoc Tukey’s HSD test. Wild types are as follows: AOX1A, CCC; AOX1C, CCF; and AOX1D, CCL. Substitutions are presented in the one-letter code for amino acids in enlarged boldface letters. DU, Density units.