Figure 12.
SEM and Keyence Digital Microscope images. A–D, Orectolobiformes gen. et sp. indet A: NRM-PZ P.16053 in A, labial, B, lingual, C, profile, D, occlusal views; F–I, Orectolobiformes gen. et sp. indet B: NRM-PZ P.16054 in F, labial; G, lingual; H, profile; I, occlusal views. Images with a microscope camera; E, Orectolobiformes gen. et sp. indet A, NRM-PZ P.16053 in basal view; J, Orectolobiformes gen. et sp. indet B, NRM-PZ P.16054 in basal view. Scale bars = 1 mm.