1. What is your specialty? |
2. How many years have you been in practice? |
3. How many ACDFs do you perform per year? |
4. Location of practice by AOSpine Region: |
5. What is your practice setting? |
6. What is the most common structural bone graft or cage material you use for ACDFs? |
7. Along with the structural graft above, do you use additional nonstructural graft material to supplement the structural graft? |
8. What is the most common structural bone graft or cage material you use for ACDF in multilevel or challenging host cases? |
9. Along with the structural graft above for ACDF in multilevel or challenging host cases, do you use additional nonstructural graft material to supplement the structural graft? |
10. What is the plate or cage that you most commonly use for your ACDFs? |
11. Do you think that achieving fusion is important in ACDF? |
12a. Do you think that graft material impacts fusion rate in ACDF? |
12b. Do you think that graft material impacts fusion rate in a clinically meaningful way? |
13a. Do you think that graft material impacts time to fusion? |
13b. Do you think that graft material impacts time to fusion in a clinically meaningful way? |
14. If a supplemental graft material enhanced your current fusion rate by 5% without adverse effects, what is a reasonable amount of money that the hospital should pay per case for the material? |
15. In your opinion, what is the most commonly used graft material in the most typical ACDF in the United States? |
16. In your opinion, what is the gold standard for graft material in the most typical ACDF? |
17. Are you satisfied with the level of evidence available in support of the graft material you use for ACDF? |
18. Are you satisfied with the comparative effectiveness data available on bone graft materials for the cervical spine? |
19. Do you feel that the risk factors for non-unions and poor clinical outcomes are sufficiently well-defined by the literature? |
20. Have you changed your graft choice within the last year? |
21. Do you think that the most commonly used graft materials in ACDFs have similar efficacy? |
22. Do you think that the most commonly used graft materials in ACDFs have similar safety? |
23. Why do you use the graft materials you most commonly use in ACDF? |