Fig. 3.
Hydrophobic groove 3 is implicated in the interaction with LxLxL EAR motifs. (A) Hydrophobic grooves (G1, G2, and G3) identified in TPL N terminus. (B and C) Y2H binding assay between TPL-202 (WT and mutants) with IAA12-DI domain (B) and WUSCHEL protein (C). n = 3 for all experiments. Error bars represent SD, ɸ for empty vector. (D) HTRF binding assays between His-TPL202 (WT and mutants) and MBP-IAA12 protein. HTRF-specific signal is reported. n = 3 for all experiments. Error bars represent SD. (E) Structure of AtTPL184 IAA27 peptide IAA27. a.u., arbitrary units.