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. 2017 Aug 4;17:543. doi: 10.1186/s12879-017-2655-7

Table 2.

Univariate analyses of factors associated with loss to follow-up

Factors Loss to follow-up Successful Treated Crude Odds Ratio CI (95%)
N Column % N Column %
Totals 300 592
 Males 202 67.3 316 53.4 1.78 1.33–2.40
 Females 98 32.7 276 46.6 ref
Age group
 0–18 19 6.3 83 14.0 0.36 0.21–0.62
 19–40 202 67.3 316 53.4 ref
 41–60 57 19.0 136 23.0 0.68 0.47–0.97
 >60 21 7.0 57 9.6 0.55 0.32–0.95
 Unknown 1 0.3
Place of Living
 Rural 236 78.7 455 76.9 ref
 Urban 56 18.7 132 22.3 0.59 0.29–1.20
 Unknown 8 2.7 5 0.8
Baseline smear result
 Baseline smear negative 112 37.2 212 35.8 ref
 Baseline smear positive 140 46.7 229 38.7 1.15 0.83–1.59
 Baseline smear not done 48 16.1 150 25.3 0.57 0.37–0.86
 Unknown 1 0.2
Location of TB
 PTB 253 84.3 434 73.3 ref
 EPTB 47 15.7 158 26.7 0.49 0.34–0.72
Patient category
 New 211 70.3 495 83.6 Ref
 Previously treated 40 13.3 34 5.7 2.86 1.70–4.82
 Transferred in 2 0.7 4 0.7 1.39 0.20–9.48
 Other 47 15.7 58 9.8 1.96 1.27–3.02
 Unknown 1 0.2
 Pregnancy no 75 25.0 202 34.1 ref
 Pregnancy yes 3 1.0 2 0.3 65.3 0 - >100
 Pregnancy na. 217 72.3 371 62.7
 Unknown 5 1.7 17 2.5
Side effects
 Side effects no 237 79.0 520 87.8 ref
 Side effects yes 26 8.7 19 3.2 3.22 1.64–6.33
 Unknown 37 12.3 53 9.0
Moved within country
 Moved no 264 88.0 570 96.3 ref
 Moved yes 26 8.7 7 1.2 10.7 4.08–28.1
 Unknown 10 3.3 15 2.5
Seasonal work
 Seasonal work no 283 94.3 568 95.9 ref
 Seasonal work yes 6 2.0 11 1.9 1.02 0.36–2.90
 Unknown 11 3,7 13 2.1
Migration other country
 Migration no 167 55.7 534 90.2 ref
 Migration yes 123 41.0 44 7.4 9.70 6.06–15.5
 Unknown 10 3.3 14 2.4
Imprisonment ever
 Imprisonment no/unknown 292 96.8 585 98.8 ref
 Imprisonment yes 8 3.2 7 1.2 2.19 0.74–6.46
 Alcoholism no 247 82.3 540 91.2 ref
 Alcoholism yes 13 4.4 14 2.4 1.87 0.82–4.28
 Unknown 40 13.3 38 6.4
Drug abuse
 Drug abuse no 253 84.3 551 93.1 ref
 Drug abuse yes 6 2.0 3 0.5 5.21 1.02–26.6
 Unknown 41 13.7 38 6.4
 Unemployed 237 79.0 364 61.5 ref
 Working 17 5.7 39 6.6 0.68 0.36–1.27
 Student 6 2 23 3.9 0.40 0.16–1.05
 Pensioner 18 6.0 55 9.3 0.51 0.27–0.93
 Not applicable 17 5.7 73 12.3
 Unknown 5 1.7 38 6.4
 Middle school 249 83.0 432 73.0 ref
 College 4 1.3 19 3.2 0.51 0.16–1.58
 University 8 2.7 16 2.7 0.84 0.35–2.04
 Still studying 11 3.7 45 7.6 0.45 0.23–0.89
 No degree 11 3.7 30 5.1 0.57 0.26–1.24
 Unknown 17 5.6 50 8.4
 Homelessness no 281 93.7 575 97.1 ref
 Homelessness yes 15 5.0 15 2.5 2.63 1.19–5.82
 Unknown 4 1.3 2 0.3
 ambulatory 146 48.7 292 49.3 ref
 hospital 152 50.7 296 50.0 1.07 0.78–1.47
 Different country 1 0.3 3 0.5 0.75 0.08–7.23
 Prison hospital 1 0.3 1 0.2 2.58 0.16–42.3

Ref = reference category