Table 1.
General outline of different NMR methodologies employed to quantify protein dynamics on a broad range of time frames. Partly adapted from ref. 10.
Method | Description | Information provided | Time Scale of Protein Motions Investigated | Exchange Ratea (kex) Characterized | Selected References |
H/D Exchange | Detection of hydrogen exchange with a fully deuterated solvent: disappearance of amide proton signals over time | Solvent accessibility, hydrogen bond strength, slow conformational exchange | Seconds-minutes | 91,92 | |
Real-Time NMR (RT NMR) | Direct detection of dynamic processes by quantifying the time-dependence of NMR signal intensity after a perturbation of the system | Protein folding, solvent hydrogen-exchange, slow conformational exchange | Seconds |
kex < 1 s−1 kex ≪ Δω |
93,94 |
ZZ-exchange (Exchange Spectroscopy; EXSY) | Simultaneous determination of 15N longitudinal relaxation and chemical exchange during a mixing delay | Slow conformational exchange such as domain movement, ligand binding and release, topological interconversion of secondary structure, cis-trans isomerization | Milliseconds-seconds |
kex ≈ 0.2–100 s−1 kex ≪ Δω |
95,96 |
Chemical-and Dark-state Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST/DEST) | Saturation transfer by chemical exchange between invisible (minor, excited) state and visible (major, ground) state | Information on invisible states, populations of the states, exchange rates and slow-intermediate conformational exchange such as small domain movements | Milliseconds |
kex ≈ 10–100 s−1 kex ≤ Δω |
6,28 |
Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill Relaxation Dispersion (CPMG RD) | Attenuation of chemical exchange broadening by applying refocusing pulses: reduce transverse relaxation R2 sensitive to motions | Kinetic, thermodynami c, and structural information for intermediate-fast exchange processes such as side chain reorientation, loop motions, secondary structure changes and hinged domain movements | Microseconds-milliseconds |
kex ≈ 200–6,000 s−1 kex ≈ Δω |
37,82,97 |
R1ρ rotating frame relaxation dispersion (RF RD) | Attenuation of chemical exchange broadening by applying refocusing pulses: reduce relaxation R1ρ sensitive to motions | Fast-intermediate conformational exchange such as motions of loops, side chains and secondary structure elements | Microseconds -milliseconds |
kex ≈ 10,000–50,000 s−1 kex ≥ Δω |
5 |
Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement (PRE) | Increased rate of relaxation due to magnetic dipolar interaction between a nucleus and an unpaired electron of a spin label | Lowly populated states of macromolecules and their complexes, non-specific interactions, ligand binding sites, fast dynamic processes | Microseconds |
kex ≈ 100,000 s−1 kex ≫ Δ ω |
15 |
R1, R2 and heteronuclear NOE relaxation (nuclear spin relaxation) | Analysis of longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates and the associated heteronuclear NOEs, sensitive to protein motions | Fast conformational exchange such as bond vibration and libration, side chain rotamer interconversion, random coil, loop motions, and backbone torsion angle rotation | Picoseconds - nanoseconds | 16,98 | |
Residual Dipolar Coupling (RDC) | Combined analysis of dipolar coupling constants measured in an array of experimental conditions | Structural states of a protein in solution, orientation of bond vectors, fast conformational exchange | Picoseconds-milliseconds | 17,99 | |
Chemical Shift Covariance (CHESCA) or Projection (CHESPA) Analysis | Analysis of residue networks that show correlated changes in chemical shifts due to perturbations in the system (mutations, ligand binding, etc.) | Allosteric networks, ligand binding sites | 43,44,49–51 |
The exchange rate (kex) is proportional to the chemical shift difference (in Hertz) between two exchanging states (Δω).