Fig. 1.
A Axial MRI images demonstrate increased signal on the diffusion image (lower panel) corresponding to the white matter FLAIR hyperintensity in the right paracentral lobule (upper panel) without corresponding contrast-enhancement (right panel) over 7 months of the time, which suggests the progression of the lesion. The subtle subcortical FLAIR hyperintensity in the initial MRI scans is indicated (arrows). B Follow-up MR imaging demonstrates the original tumor location in the anterior corpus callosum and adjacent left anteromedial frontal lobe as an enhancing region with FLAIR hyperintensity but without diffusion restriction; in contrast, the right parieto-occipital lesion and adjacent splenium of the corpus callosum shows hyperintense signals in the DWI sequence with decreased signals on ADC map, corresponding to FLAIR hyperintensity and without contrast-enhancement involving the posterior periventricular white matter and the splenium of the corpus callosum. C EEG obtained after patient became intermittently encephalopathic; focal slowing is seen in the left frontal site of known tumor (upper oval) and rare epileptiform discharges are evident in the right central region corresponding to the parasagital lesion (lower oval)