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. 2017 Jul 10;6:e27756. doi: 10.7554/eLife.27756

Figure 4. Temporally sequenced cholinergic and dopaminergic modulation of STDP yields effective navigation toward changing reward locations.

(a) Learning of an initial reward location (trials 1–20; 1000 simulations in each trial) shows a modest improvement in learning when cholinergic depression is included in the model. (i) Example trajectories. The agent starts from the center of the open field (red dot) and learns the reward location (closed black circle) with (+ ACh; brown) and without (− ACh; green) cholinergic depression built into the model. Trials are coded from light to dark, according to their temporal order (early = light, late = dark). (ii) Color scheme. (iii) Reward discovery. The graph shows percent cumulative distribution of trials in which the reward location is discovered for the first time. (iv) Learning curve presented as a percentage of successful simulations over successive trials. (v) Average time to reward in each successful trial. Unsuccessful trials, in which the agent failed to find the reward, were excluded. (vi) Percentage of successful simulations in trial 5, under conditions with different magnitudes of dopaminergic effect (learning windows in the top-left corner). Decreasing the magnitude of dopaminergic potentiation significantly affects learning (p<0.001, two-sample Student’s t-test: Small vs. Medium and Small vs. Large). Under Medium and Large conditions, the agent performs similarly most likely due to a saturation effect (p>0.05, two-sample Student’s t-test: Medium vs. Large). (b) Learning of a displaced reward location is facilitated when cholinergic depression is included in the model. (i) Example trajectories (trials 21–40; 1000 simulations in each trial). The agent learns a novel reward location (closed circle; previously exploited reward = open circle). Trajectories presented as in ai. Comparison of control (– ACh) and test (+ ACh) simulations: (ii) visits to previous reward location (%); (iii) trial number at novel reward discovery; (iv) successful reward collection over successive trials (%); (v) average time to reward over trials. (vi) Percentage of visits to the old reward location in trial 25, under conditions with different magnitudes of cholinergic depression (learning windows in the top-right corner). Increasing the magnitude of acetylcholine effect yields faster unlearning (p<0.001, two-sample Student’s t-test: Small vs. Medium, Medium vs. Large and Small vs. Large). The graphs (biii-bv) are presented as in a. The shaded area (aiv-v and bii, biv-v) represents the 95% confidence interval of the sample mean.


Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. Exploration following reward displacement.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

The mean firing rate of place cells (average over time and simulations) mapped onto the open field. When the reward location is displaced in Trial 21, in both test (+ ACh, right) and control (− ACh, left) simulations, agents still navigate toward the initial reward location (warmer colors in the upper right quadrant). By Trial 26, cholinergic depression in test simulations allows unlearning of the old reward location, which results in transient enhancement of exploration compared to control simulations. By Trial 31, agents with acetylcholine-modulated plasticity are able to successfully navigate to the novel goal area (lower left quadrant) whilst in control simulations most agents are not.

Figure 4—figure supplement 2. The magnitude of dopamine effect affects learning.

Figure 4—figure supplement 2.

(a) The agents are subject to the same learning paradigm as in Figure 4. Small magnitude of dopamine effect slows down learning and decreases performance. (ai) The parameters used for Small, Medium and Large amplitudes of dopaminergic effect are specified in the legend; darker colors correspond to larger amplitudes. (aii) Learning curve presented as a percentage of successful simulations over successive trials (trials 1–20; 1000 simulation). Decreasing the magnitude of dopamine effect leads to slower learning. In Medium and Large conditions, the agent’s performance is similar most likely due to a saturation effect. (b) Learning of a displaced reward location is only marginally slower in Small condition. (bi) Over the trials, the percentage of visits to the previously rewarded location decreases for Medium and Large conditions (trials 21–40; 1000 simulation). However, Small condition agents present an initial advantage due to weaker learning in the first phase of the experiment. (bii) Learning of the novel reward location is slightly faster for Medium and High conditions. The shaded area (aii and bi-ii) represents the 95% confidence interval of the sample mean.

Figure 4—figure supplement 3. The magnitude of acetylcholine effect affects unlearning.

Figure 4—figure supplement 3.

(a) The agents are subject to the same learning paradigm as in Figure 4. Difference in the magnitude of cholinergic effect does not affect performance. (ai) The parameters used for Small, Medium and Large magnitudes of acetylcholine effect are specified in the legend; darker colors correspond to larger magnitudes of cholinergic effect. (aii) Learning curve presented as a percentage of successful simulations over successive trials (trials 1–20; 1000 simulation). The initial difference in performance is due to reduced speed, a consequence of the online depression. (b) Learning of a displaced reward location becomes more efficient with larger magnitudes of acetylcholine effect. (bi) The percentage of visits to the previously rewarded location is lower for conditions with larger magnitudes of acetylcholine effect (trials 21–40; 1000 simulation). (bii) Learning of the novel reward location is also faster for Medium and Large conditions. The shaded area (aii and bi-ii) represents the 95% confidence interval of the sample mean.

Figure 4—figure supplement 4. The integral of the asymmetric STDP learning window determines the performance of the agent.

Figure 4—figure supplement 4.

(a) The agents are subject to the same learning paradigm as in Figure 4. Learning is successful only when the integral of the STDP window is positive. (ai) Learning windows with negative, zero and positive integrals. Parameters and color scheme are as specified at the top. (aii) Learning curve presented as a percentage of successful simulations over successive trials (trials 1–20; 1000 simulations). Only the agents using a learning rule with a net positive integral of the STDP window learn successfully. (b) Learning of a displaced reward location is not achieved successfully by any of the STDP learning rules. (bi) The percentage of visits to the previous reward area is low only for agents with a negative integral of the STDP window (trials 21–40; 1000 simulations). This is because unlearning occurred in the first phase of the experiments. (bii) Agents with a positive integral of the STDP window only partially learn the new reward location, but do not effectively unlearn the previous reward location (as shown in bi). Agents with a negative integral of the STDP window unlearn both the old and the new reward areas. The shaded area (aii and bi-ii) represents the 95% confidence interval of the sample mean.