Figure 3.
Comparisons of PD-1 expression on peripheral blood T cells from healthy volunteer controls, patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, and patients with pembrolizumab-induced thyroiditis. (a) Flow cytometric dot plots outlining the gating strategy for measuring PD-1 expression. CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were displayed from a CD3+ parent T-cell gate (not shown). PD-1 expression is displayed from both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Gates depicting PD-1–positive cells were set using fluorescence minus one staining protocols where PD-1 fluorescent antibody was removed. Representative dot plots from a patient with autoimmune thyroiditis and a patient with pembrolizumab-induced thyroiditis are shown. (b) PD-1 expression of the three cohorts: HV (circles), AutoImm (squares), and α-PD-1 (triangles). The horizontal line represents the mean value for each cohort. **P < 0.001.