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. 2012 May 24;9(2):141–150. doi: 10.1007/s10433-012-0228-6

Table 5.

Type of externalisation of care in the four European countries (exclusion of the cases in institution)

France Italy (23) Portugal (23) The Netherlands (13)
Main care giver and no externalisation 0 0 3 0
Externalisation to family members only (spouse, sibling, children of the carer…) 0 1 8 0
Externalisation of part of the caring tasks to paid non-professional and/or professional carer (at home or day care centres) 16 21
[13 cases: migrant carers 5 cases: paid non prof. 4 cases: prof. services only]
[4 cases: paid non professional 5 cases: paid professional services 3 cases: multiple delegation]
[5 cases: home care services + day care centre 8 cases: home care services]

Source Data collected by WOUPS research team