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. 2012 Jan 10;9(3):187–198. doi: 10.1007/s10433-011-0214-4

Table 2.

Estimation, probability of retirement

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Child-to-teacher ratio
 Child-to-teacher ratio base 0.161 0.100 −0.006 −0.322
(0.88) (0.53) (0.03) (1.01)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × post-2002 −0.007 0.066 0.169 0.265
(0.02) (0.24) (0.61) (0.69)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × post-2005 −0.303 −0.279 −0.321 −0.323
(1.08) (1.03) (1.15) (0.78)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × preschool −0.171 −0.111 0.102 0.332
(0.82) (0.54) (0.43) (0.99)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × preschool × post-2002 0.026 −0.041 −0.261 −0.257
(0.08) (0.14) (0.87) (0.64)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × preschool × post-2005 0.379 0.329 0.391 0.300
(1.26) (1.18) (1.33) (0.70)
 Poor health 0.149** −0.570 −1.241
(2.22) (0.55) (1.10)
 Poor health × preschool 2.752** 3.398**
(2.00) (2.30)
 Poor health × post-2002 0.673 1.598
(0.44) (1.02)
 Poor health × post-2005 −32.296 −192.427
(0.78) (1.24)
 Poor health × post-2002 × preschool −3.658* −4.145**
(1.86) (2.07)
 Poor health × post-2005 × preschool 35.319 189.144
(0.83) (1.21)
Interaction child-to-teacher ratio and poor health
 Child-to-teacher ratio × poor health 0.296 0.584
(0.78) (1.40)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × poor health × post-2002 −0.081 −0.423
(0.15) (0.75)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × poor health × post-2005 10.651 64.788
(0.76) (1.46)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × poor health × preschool −0.711* −0.972**
(1.71) (2.13)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × poor health × preschool × post-2002 0.646 0.897
(1.09) (1.48)
 Child-to-teacher ratio × poor health × preschool × post-2005 −10.948 −63.967
(0.78) (1.44)
Other working conditions
 Share teachers −0.598*** −0.783***
(2.65) (2.92)
 Share ethnic minority parents −0.123
 Share parents no education 0.488*
Individual characteristics
 Dummy preschool 0.717 0.619 −0.158 −0.508
(0.99) (0.62) (0.20) (0.50)
 Preschool × post-2002 −0.314 −0.225 0.736 0.413
(0.30) (0.24) (0.73) (0.34)
 Preschool × post-2005 −1.308 −1.127 −1.505 −1.093
(1.30) (1.23) (1.55) (0.81)
 Partner dummy 0.387* 0.412*** 0.176** 0.176**
(1.91) (3.69) (2.27) (2.19)
 Partner retired 0.521*** 0.421***
(7.64) (6.36)
 Unemployment rate 0.067** 0.071*** 0.064*** 0.031*
(2.17) (3.31) (3.83) (1.78)
 Trained teacher dummy −0.087 0.057 0.098* 0.071
(1.26) (0.99) (1.67) (1.16)
 Experience 0.511*** 0.892*** 0.884*** 0.763***
(2.98) (6.57) (9.61) (8.33)
 Number of grandchildren 0.041** 0.051*** 0.047*** 0.028*
(2.06) (3.24) (3.37) (1.96)
 Compensation rate 1.276*** 1.298*** 1.028***
(5.36) (7.55) (6.47)
 Compensation rate missing 0.015 −0.027 0.061
(0.15) (0.28) (0.56)
 Constant −3.564*** −5.706*** −4.914*** −3.407***
(2.98) (5.96) (6.99) (3.73)
 Number of observations 7068 7068 7010 4686
 Log likelihood −4445 −4397 −4308 −2888

Note control for time dummies and age dummies (for piece-wise constant hazards) and t values in parentheses. Standard errors in models (1) and (2) are bootstrapped with 500 replications

p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01