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. 2017 Aug 7;6:154. doi: 10.1186/s13643-017-0541-4

Table 2.


Search # Search Strategy
1 “structural barriers”[all fields] OR “Structure near2 Barrier” OR “Cultural Characteristics”[Mesh] OR “Cross-Cultural Comparison“[Mesh] OR “Hierarchy, Social”[Mesh] OR “Sociological Factors”[Mesh] OR “Social Marginalization”[Mesh] OR “Social near2 marginal*” OR “social norms”[Mesh] OR “Social near2 Norms” OR “social class”[Mesh] OR “Social near2 Class”
2 “Sexism”[mesh] OR “gender inequality”[all fields] OR “gender inequity”[all fields] OR “gender inequity”[all fields] OR “gender discrimination”[all fields] OR “Gender near2 Discriminat*” OR “racism”[Mesh] OR “minority stress”[all fields] OR “prejudice”[all fields] OR “white privilege”[all fields] OR “social perception”[Mesh] OR “self concept”[Mesh] OR “self-concept”[all fields] OR “social discrimination”[Mesh] OR “social disapproval”[all fields] OR (“perception”[Mesh] AND “social discriminat*”[Mesh]) OR “racial profiling”[all fields] OR “social conformity”[Mesh] OR “social bias”[all fields]
3 “Attitude to Health”[Mesh] OR “Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice”[Mesh] OR “Patient Dropouts”[Mesh] OR “Patient Participat*”[Mesh] OR “Patient Satisf*”[Mesh] OR “Patient near2 Satisfy*” OR “Patient Prefer*”[Mesh] OR “Patient near2 Prefer*” OR “Physician-Patient Relations”[Mesh] OR “Practice Patterns, Physicians'”[Mesh] OR “Medically Underserved Area”[Mesh] OR “Refus* to Treat”[Mesh] OR “Attitude of Health Personnel”[Mesh] OR “Attitude of Health Work*” OR “Refus* to Treat”[Mesh]
4 “poverty”[Mesh] OR “poverty areas”[Mesh] OR “medical indigency”[Mesh] OR “low income”[all fields] OR “low-income”[all fields] OR “Socioeconomic Factors”[Mesh] OR “low SES”[all fields] OR “unemploy*”[all fields] OR “under employed”[all fields] OR “under-employed”[all fields] OR “indigent”[all fields] OR “indigen*”[all fields] OR “uninsur* patients”[all fields] OR “uninsur* patient”[all fields] OR “cost of ill*”[Mesh] OR “health expen*”[Mesh]
5 “stigma*”[all fields] OR “social stigma”[Mesh] OR “Moral Development”[Mesh] OR “stereotypes”[all fields] OR “stereotyping”[Mesh]
6 “Medical Marijuana”[Mesh] OR “medical cannabis”[tiab] OR “medical marijuana”[tiab]