Simulations predict consequences of ion channel remodeling on rotor frequency. A. Action potential traces for sham, paroxysmal and transition AF predicted by experimentally derived ion channel changes. APD90 was abbreviated in both paroxysmal and transition AF compared to sham. Resting membrane potential was hyperpolarized -2 mV. B. Rotor in paroxysmal (left) had lower frequency than transition AF. C. Rotors in paroxysmal AF meandered considerably and eventually self-terminated upon collision with boundary. In transition AF, the rotor was stable, had higher frequency and persisted throughout the simulation. From Martins RP, Kaur K, Hwang E, Ramirez RJ, Willis BC, Filgueiras-Rama D, Ennis SR, Takemoto Y, Ponce-Balbuena D, Zarzoso M, O'Connell RP, Musa H, Guerrero-Serna G, Avula UM, Swartz MF, Bhushal S, Deo M, Pandit SV, Berenfeld O, Jalife J. Dominant frequency increase rate predicts transition from paroxysmal to long-term persistent atrial fibrillation. Circulation. 2014;129:1472–1482; with permission.