(A) IHC of postnatal day 0 (P0) aortic valves, for proliferation markers Ki67 and phospho-histone H3, show no difference in proliferating or total cell number when conditional knockout aortic valves were compared to littermate controls, quantified in (B). (C) H and E staining’s show increased matrix in the fused right-non-coronary leaflet of the conditional knockout. C′= wild-type right coronary, C″= wild-type right coronary tip, C*= conditional knockout right non-coronary base, C**= conditional knockout right coronary tip. RC= right coronary, LC= left coronary, RNC= right non-coronary. (D) Quantification of cell density shows a significant decrease in cell density in cilia deficient valves at both the base and tip of the right coronary leaflet, with p<.001. (E and F) IHC staining’s of conditional knockout aortic cusps show increased expression of both collagen (E) and versican (F) in the cilia conditional knockout valves. (G) Quantification of total surface area occupied by collagen or versican immunostaining with p<.005. RC=right coronary, LC= left coronary, NC= non-coronary, and RNC= right non-coronary.