Fig. 1.
Effects of CNT exposure on HCT116 cells. Control or CNT-treated HCT116+/+ cells were grown for 24 h. Following exposure, cell counts were assayed and normalized to control treated cells (A). Similarly, the indicated cells were grown for 24 h in the presence of control media or the indicated concentrations of CNT, and viability determined via alamarBlue reduction (B). For this assay, (− cells) indicates the reduction of alamarBlue in the absence of any plated cells. HCT116 +/+ cells were exposed to CNT (50 nM) for 24 h, stained with Hoechst and counted to determine the mitotic (C) and apoptotic (E) indices. Real-time PCR was used to determine the expression of cell cycle regulatory genes (D) and apoptotic genes (F) after 24 h of CNT treatment. Hoechst analysis (G–H) and real-time PCR analysis (I) was performed in HCT116+/+ and HCT116−/− cells after 24 h of CNT exposure. All data are normalized to control-treated cells and presented ± standard deviation. (ns) = not significant. *p < 0.05.