(A) Experimental schema of adoptive cell transfer immunotherapy
(ACT). Pre-transfer levels of T-bet and Foxp3 expression is shown.
(B) IFN-γ ELISA from culture supernatants of TRP-1
splenocytes stimulated in vitro ± DMOG.
(C–D) Pulmonary tumor burden in mice receiving ACT of
indicated cells. Representative H&E (C) and total lung
tumor metastatic nodules (D) are shown. Black arrows indicate
representative area of tumor burden.
(E–F) Subcutaneous tumor growth in mice receiving ACT of
indicated cells. Tumor area (E) and overall survival
(F) are shown. Survival significance was assessed by a Log-rank
Mantel-Cox test.
Data are representative of ≥ 2 independent experiments
with > 5 mice per group. Bars and error represent mean ±SEM of
replicate measurements. **P<0.01,
****P<0.0001 (Student’s
See also Figure S6.