Table 1.
Phases of the study and data collected
Phase | Goals | Main actions | Data sources | |
1 | Set-up | Map the extent of diabetes and level of diabetes care in the locality; develop partnerships with key stakeholders; link our own work to existing healthcare and community development initiatives | Collect statistics on burden of disease and nature and extent of services for diabetes (NHS and voluntary sector); interviews with 35 people representing 13 organisations (hospitals, general practices, interpreting organisations, voluntary sector ethnic health groups) | Publicly available epidemiological data (for example, from local health improvement plan); published details of local services (such as information supplied to general practitioners); field notes from visits to stakeholder organisations; interview notes |
2 | Learning set for BHAs | Train a cohort of BHAs in the principles of diabetes care and in running support and education groups for clients with diabetes | Assess the background and experience of BHAs and their perceived training needs and learning styles; run two “taster” education sessions for BHAs, using interactive exercises with “Post-it” notes to identify and classify learning needs; develop and deliver a curriculum in a format appropriate to these needs | Semistructured (qualitative) interviews with seven NHS managers and two voluntary sector advocacy services; self completion questionnaire sent to 21 BHAs to assess knowledge, experience, and perceived leaming needs (before and after the training course) (18 returned); participant observation in “taster” group sessions; Post-it notes and flipchart paper from these sessions; focus group evaluation of learning set led by independent qualitative researcher |
3 | On-site work with BHAs | Support BHAs to pilot diabetes groups for clients in their workplace | Work at organisational level to tackle human resource problems for BHAs (job description, level of autonomy, lines of accountability); support BHAs, their managers, and the wider organisation in establishing pilot groups and embed them in services | Ethnographic field notes from organisational visits; interviews with advocacy services managers; interviews with other diabetes staff (consultants, specialist nurses) |
4 | Diabetes groups for service users | Set up and sustain BHA led education and support groups for diabetes service users | Support BHAs in recruiting participants to groups, running the groups, engaging other health professionals in providing educational input, and evaluating the groups | Quantitative data on attendance, random blood glucose levels (measured by finger prick testing during the group); qualitative data: participant observation of all sessions plus one focus group of attenders during routine lunchtime session, led by NB; tape recorded, translated, and transcribed with consent |
BHA=bilingual health advocates.