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. 2012 Sep 22;9(4):319–327. doi: 10.1007/s10433-012-0245-5

Table 2.

Hierarchical regression analyses of physical well-being, life satisfaction, and depression

Physical well-being Life satisfaction
B SE β ΔR 2 B SE β ΔR 2
Block 1 .093* .234***
 Sex .013 .035 .030 .069 .039 .130
 SES .011 .010 .092 .013 .011 .088
 Marital status .070 .035 .163* .203 .039 .389*
 Volunteering duration .021 .016 .105 .021 .016 .105
 Volunteering regularity .009 .004 .199* .007 .004 .115
Block 2 .129** .154***
 Age .001 .002 .122 .002 .002 .139
 Enhancement motives −.021 .025 −.115 −.003 .027 −.015
 Career motives .000 .014 −.002 −.034 .015 −.185*
 Social motives −.013 .019 −.083 .029 .021 .152
 Value motives .039 .026 .159 −.023 .028 −.076
 Understanding motives .039 .028 .164 .011 .030 .037
 Protective motives .065 .023 .396** .085 .025 .424**
 Making friends −.043 .018 −.247* −.008 .019 −.038
Block 3 .079* .051+
 Age × enhancement −.000 .001 −.097 .002 .001 .142
 Age × career .001 .001 .115 .000 .001 −.045
 Age × social .002 .001 .283* .002 .001 .172
 Age × value .000 .001 −.010 .000 .002 −.063
 Age × understanding −.002 .001 −.173 .0001 .001 .004
 Age × protective .000 .001 −.050 −.004 .001 −.369**
 Age × making friends −.001 .001 −.155 .000 .001 .027

B unstandardized coefficient, SE standardized error, β standardized coefficient

+ p < .10; * p < .05; ** p ≤ .01; *** p ≤ .001