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. 2013 May 22;11(1):5–18. doi: 10.1007/s10433-013-0282-8

Table 3.

Multilevel analysis of perceived beginning of old age

Model 1: unconditional Model 2: micro-level Model 3: macro-level Model 4: macro- and micro-level
Fixed effects Random variance Fixed effects Random variance Fixed effects Random variance Fixed effects Random variance
Intercept 62.91*** (.47) 6.49*** 61.62*** (.49) 6.73*** 62.91*** (.37) 5.27*** 61.63*** (.60) 11.39***
 Specialized timetables
  Age .15*** (.01) .003*** .15*** (.01) .003***
  Women (men ref group) 1.87*** (.27) 1.94*** 1.87*** (.27) 1.95***
  Education .05** (.02) .004* .05** (.02) .004*
 Personal timetables
  Impaired health (not impaired ref. group) −.09 (.16) .34* −.08 (.16) .34*
  Subjective health .51*** (.07) .06 .52*** (.07) .06
  Satisfaction .21*** (.04) .02*** .21*** (.04) .02***
 Interdependent timetables
  Lives with spouse/partner (does not live ref. group) .53*** (.11) .12 .53*** (.11) .13
 Specialized timetables
  Life expectancy .28 (.18) .28 (.17)
  Education 1.62* (.60) 1.72** (.59)
  Gross national income −.00005 (.00005) .00005 (.00004)
  Gini coefficient .22** (.06) .16* (.06)
 Personal timetables
  Official retirement age −.03 (.19) .03 (.17)
 Interdependent timetables
  Fertility rate .76 (1.95) .30 (1.40)
  % between 15 and 64 .54 (.27) .41 (.25)
  ICC 5.7 % 6.4 % 4.7 % 10.6 %

Fixed effects: coefficients and standard errors are reported

*** p < .0001, ** p < .001, * p < .05