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. 2017 Aug 4;37(8):1499ā€“1507. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001385

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Representative examinations of the left eye of a patient submitted to intravitreal ziv-aflibercept (Patient 7). A. Fundus picture of the left eye at baseline reveals choroidal neovascularization secondary to AMD; (B) Fundus picture of the same eye 26 weeks after intravitreal ziv-aflibercept injections; (C) FA before treatment; (D) FA 26 weeks after treatment with intravitreal ziv-aflibercept; (Eā€“G) OCT image (scan length: 6 mm, horizontal section) at baseline, 4, and 26 weeks after treatment initiation; (Hā€“J) 3-Dimensional response density plots at baseline, 4, and 26 weeks, showing increase in response amplitude; (Kā€“M) Multifocal electroretinography trace array at baseline, 4, and 26 weeks.