Alleviation of mechanical allodynia in both orofacial and hind paw regions by the KCNQ channel potentiator retigabine. (a) Summary data of total contact time during a 10-min session operant test in different testing days before (open bar) and following oxaliplatin treatment (closed). Oxaliplatin is administered in five consecutive days as indicated by the dashed line. On day 30 (gray bar), retigabine is injected and operant test is performed between 60 and 90 min after the retigabine administration. (b) Similar to (a) except this set of experiments is performed in a different group of rats, and vehicle is administered to the animals on day 30. (c) Hind paw withdrawal thresholds measured by the von Frey test in different days before (open bar) and following oxaliplatine treatment (closed bars). On day 30 (gray bars), retigabine is administered and the von Frey test is performed between 60 and 90 min after retigabine administration. Data represent Mean ± SEM, ns, not significantly different, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001, compare with the data of adjacent testing days; #p < .05, ##p < .01, ###p < .001, compare with the data before oxaliplatin treatment.