Figure 7.
The Regulation of Spatial Memory by TERT Requires Newborn Neurons
(A) Escape latency (F1,37 = 10.86, ∗∗p = 0.0020) and time spent in the target quadrant (∗∗p = 0.0080, Student's t test) in MWM test. n = 19–20.
(B–D) Schematic representation of the experiment. BrdU was administered during days 8–10 after AD infection (B). Representatives of the BrdU+ cells in the DG. Scale bars, = 200 μm. Total number of BrdU + cells per DG at day 28 after BrdU labeling (n = 4 independent experiments, F2,9 = 59.24, ∗∗∗p < 0.0001, versus sham; AD-GFP, one-way ANOVA), (C). X-ray irradiation of the hippocampus zone blocked AD-TERT-GFP-induced improvement of spatial memory formation in the MWM task. Escape latency measured during days 41–45 (F2,54 = 6.354, ∗∗p = 0.0030, sham; AD-GFP versus X-ray; AD-GFP; ∗p = 0.0490, sham; AD-GFP versus X-ray; AD-TERT-GFP) and time spent in target quadrant measured at day 46 (F2,54 = 6.620, ∗p = 0.025, ∗∗p = 0.005, versus sham; AD-GFP, one-way ANOVA), (D). n = 18–20.
(E) A model showing that TERT in NPCs in the DG of adult hippocampus regulates spatial memory formation by modulation of the development of newborn neurons.
Error bars, SEM. See also Figures S5 and S7; Table S1.