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. 2016 Apr 23;13(2):103–113. doi: 10.1007/s10433-016-0373-4

Table 3.

Results from the multivariate analysis (Average Marginal Effects) in European countries

Care outside the household Grandparenting
No multimorbidity Multimorbidity Group diff.a No multimorbidity Multimorbidity Group diff.a
Opportunity structures
 Education (ref. Primary)
  Secondary education 0.047*** 0.034*** 1.297 0.063*** 0.042** 1.441
  Tertiary education 0.060*** 0.059*** 0.004 0.097*** 0.084*** 0.267
 Income (ref. 1st quartile)
  2nd income quartile 0.027*** 0.024* 0.057 0.049*** 0.045** 0.051
  3rd income quartile 0.036*** 0.019 1.559 0.093*** 0.057*** 3.425
  4th income quartile 0.032*** 0.008 2.622 0.104*** 0.104*** 0.000
 Active on labor market 0.010 0.036 1.482 −0.034*** −0.017 0.283
Family structures
 Household size −0.011 −0.011 0.000 0.016 0.031* 0.657
 Has children −0.021* −0.014 0.186
 Married −0.029*** −0.013 2.056 0.152*** 0.133*** 1.322
 Provided care inside the hh. 0.064*** 0.057** 0.116 −0.050*** −0.063** 0.292
Forms of social participation
 Participated in voluntary work 0.110*** 0.114*** 0.062 0.032*** 0.046* 0.489
 Participated in education activities 0.049*** 0.046* 0.019 0.061*** 0.055* 0.039
 Participated in clubs 0.038*** 0.039*** 0.007 0.059*** 0.054*** 0.090
 Participated in religious activities 0.063*** 0.030* 4.447* 0.050*** 0.033 0.663
Provided care outside the hh. 0.105*** 0.120*** 0.785
 Provided grandchild care 0.076*** 0.075*** 0.008
Socio-demographic characteristics
 Female −0.0007 0.003 0.139 0.047*** 0.012 5.767*
 Age (ref. 60–69)
 70–79 −0.100*** −0.090*** 0.719 −0.278*** −0.291*** 0.402
 80+ −0.190*** −0.151*** 9.269** −0.589*** −0.531*** 8.937**
Health status
 Poor mental health (depression) 0.015* −0.003 2.932 −0.017 −0.018 0.005
 No. of ADLs −0.015** −0.036** 3.328 −0.010 −0.030 1.504
Observations 35,217 11,417 46,634 28,783 9746 48,173

Countries included: Austria, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Switzerland, and Belgium

p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001; All models include a full set of dummies for country, wave, and their interactions—results not shown

aValues refer to χ 2 (1) distribution. Group differences are tested for significance using the methodology proposed by Auspurg and Hinz (2011)