Fig. 5.
Distribution of phospho-GSK-3β (Ser9) in DRG neurons. (A-C) Left panels: DRG neurons from (A) Lis1+/+ mice, (B) Lis1+/− mice, and (C) SNJ1945-treated Lis1+/− mice stained with anti-GSK-3β (red), anti-pS9-GSK-3β (green), and DAPI (blue). Middle panels: higher-magnification images of an area demarcated in the left panels (white boxes). Right panels: normalized fluorescence intensity along the axon. Red arrowheads indicate growth cones. Greater fluorescence intensity at the growth cones of DRG neurons from Lis1+/+ (A) and SNJ1945-treated Lis1+/− (C) mice indicates accumulation of total GSK-3β and anti-pS9-GSK-3β. (D) Quantitation of anti-pS9-GSK-3β to total GSK-3β intensity in growth cones indicates relatively lower accumulation of the inactive anti-pS9-GSK-3β in Lis1+/− growth cones and reversal by SNJ1945. *P<0.05 by ANOVA. Error bars indicate standard errors.