Cre expression in Tg(Tbx6-creERT2) transgenic embryos recapitulates endogenous Tbx6 expression. (A-H) Whole mount ISH for Tbx6 (C,H) or cre (A,B,D-G,I,J) with transgene-negative (cre-) controls. At E7.5 cre expression is similar to Tbx6 expression in the primitive streak, excluding the node, although Tbx6 expression extends further into the lateral mesoderm. At E9.5, in embryos of different developmental stages, cre expression is limited to the presomitic mesoderm and tail bud although Tbx6 expression extends somewhat further into the presomitic mesoderm than cre expression. There is high background in the forebrain and otic vesicle in both transgenic and non-transgenic embryos at the advanced E9.5 stage. (I,J) cre expression is present in the tip of the tail of an E12.5 transgenic embryo (left) compared to a nontransgenic control, but expression is lost by E13.5 (J) in most embryos. psm, presomitic mesoderm; tb, tail bud.