Fig. 4.
Example of traction recovery on a simulated cell. a Magnitude (in Pa) and direction (arrows) of simulated traction map; Magnitude (in μm) and direction (arrows) of ideal displacements b and noisy displacements c; recovered traction magnitude (in Pa) and direction (arrows) using: d Tikhonov regularization; e L1-norm regularization; f full L1-norm regularization and a zoom of the region of interest marked with a yellow box for g Tikhonov regularization; h L1-norm regularization; i full L1-norm regularization. The stress footprints recovered by the Tikhonov regularization are shown in red; These stress footprints when recovered with L1-norm and full L1-norm regularization are also shown in red; The additional stress footprint recovered by the L1-norm regularization is shown in green; Note that the rightmost top stress footprint detected by the Tikhonov regularization has disappeared; Lastly, the additional footprints recovered by the full L1-norm regularization are shown in white. The outline of the mask used for traction recovery is shown in white. The scale bar represents 30 μm