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. 2017 Jan 20;114(3):29–36. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2017.0029

eTable 1. Wording of SWOT analysis items, based on the PSYGIENE survey questionnaire*.

Construct Item wording
Risk perception (vulnerability to transmission)
  • How would you rate the probability that you transmit infectious pathogens in the hospital despite hand hygiene?

    (1: very unlikely to 7: very likely)

  • How would you rate this probability if you do not disinfect your hands? (1: very unlikely to 7: very likely)

Outcome expectancies
  • If I disinfect my hands before and after every activity with a risk of infection,

    … I contribute to infection prevention.

    … the time pressure while I am working increases.

    … I get skin problems on my hands.

    … my working time extends.

    … I am a role model for my colleagues.

    … I get positive recognition from my superiors.

Self-efficacy expectancies
  • I am certain that I can disinfect my hands before and after every activity with a risk of infection even if…

    … my immediate superiors do not.

    … my colleagues do not.

    … it takes some time.

    … I do not always find it easy.

    … I have to fetch hand rub first.

    … I forgot last time.

    … it’s merely an interruption of the contact with the patient.

    … the patient to be treated has no risk factors for wound infection (e.g. advanced age, diabetes mellitus).

    … I am not regularly reminded to do so.

  • To what extent do you intend to disinfect your hands before or after every activity with a risk of infection? (1: I do not intend to do so at all to 7: I fully intend to do so)

Action and coping planning
  • Recently I have made specific plans…

    … to disinfect my hands before and after every activity with a risk of infection even if I have to change gloves in between.

    … regarding how to deal with barriers and events that make it more difficult for me to disinfect my hands.

    … regarding what I will do if I realize that I have forgotten to disinfect my hands.

Action control
  • I am totally aware of the hand hygiene requirements stated in the guidelines.

  • I make sure that I disinfect my hands before and after every activity with a risk of infection.

  • I have to make a lot of effort to disinfect my hands before and after every activity with a risk of infection.

Human resources on the ward
  • Nursing staff levels on my ward match needs.

  • Physician staffing levels on my ward match needs.

Material resources on the ward
  • The spatial characteristics of my ward match needs (e.g. for isolating patients).

  • Allocation of medical devices to my ward matches needs.

Organizational barriers on the ward
  • On my ward we are always having to deal with problems in the allocation of patient beds.

  • On my ward there are always problems due to absenteeism (e.g. because of illness, vacation, or training).

Cooperation on the ward
  • On my ward, cooperation with…

    … colleagues works well.

    … superiors works well.

    … patients’ relatives works well.

SWOT, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats; PSYGIENE, PSYchologically optimised hand hyGIENE promotion study

*Response scale (unless otherwise stated): 1 (not true at all) to 7 (completely true)