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. 2017 Jun 22;14(7):671. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14070671

Table 2.

Parents’ clusters and average importance ratings.

Clusters Importance a
Parents (purposive sample)
1. My child sits because he/she it tired, wants to relax, wants to rest 4.2
2. My child sits because he/she can work/play better that way 4.0
3. My child sits because seated activities are fun 3.4
4. My child sits because there is nothing to do 2.6
5. My child sits because it is the norm 2.5
6. My child sits because it is a habit 2.4
Parents (convenience sample) b
1. My child sits because it is the norm 3.5
2. My child sits because he/she can work/play better that way 3.5
3. My child sits because seated activities are fun 3.3
4. My child sits because he/she is tired, wants to relax, wants to rest 3.3
5. My child sits because others do so, and it is a habit 2.9
6. My child sits because it is in his/her nature 2.8
7. My child sits because there is nothing (active) to do 2.5

a Rated on a 5-point Likert scale with higher scores indicating higher importance in influencing children’s sedentary time; b Sorting task n = 14, rating task n = 13.