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. 2017 Jul 17;14(7):794. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14070794

Table A2.

Predictors of sanitation safety (full-specification of main effect model; i.e., including regression estimates for control variables).

Variables Beta Coefficients Standard Errors
Focal variables of interest in this study PSSNs 0.302 (0.062) **
Health-related risks and benefits 0.049 (0.052)
Non-health risks and benefits 0.169 (0.058) **
Diarrhea prevention awareness 0.270 (0.160) *
Sanitation and hygiene messages 0.115 (0.066)
Control variables in this study Household size 0.103 (0.062)
If female household head −0.385 (0.141) **
Age of respondent 0.059 (0.059)
If respondent illiterate −0.011 (0.092)
Log of household income 0.067 (0.056)
If traditional house −0.159 (0.112)
If unprotected source of drinking water −0.171 (0.287)
Pseudo R2 R2 0.386

Notes: ** Significant at the 0.01 level; * 0.05 level; N = 354; Robust standard errors reported; Controlled for village-level fixed effects; Continuous variables standardized by z-score.