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. 2017 Sep;107(9):1496–1501. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303903


Weighted Individual-, Household-, and Neighborhood-Level Characteristics: Birth Cohort of the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, Chicago, IL, 1995–2013

Characteristic Unweighted No. Weighted Mean or Proportion (SD)
Average BLL (µg/dL) when younger than 6 y 208 6.14 (4.58)
Age, wave 4 208 17.00 (0.50)
 Female 111 0.54
 Male 97 0.46
 White 26 0.12
 Black 78 0.49
 Hispanic 93 0.34
 Other 11 0.05
Caregiver immigrant generation
 ≥ third generation 106 0.63
 Second generation 25 0.07
 First generation 77 0.30
Caregiver marital status, wave 1
 Married 95 0.42
 Single 75 0.40
 Cohabiting 38 0.19
Caregiver education level, wave 1
 < high school 81 0.42
 High school or GED 30 0.17
 > high school 73 0.32
 ≥ bachelor’s degree 24 0.09
Caregiver receives TANF, wave 1
 No 117 0.55
 Yes 91 0.45
% block group non-Hispanic Black, 1990 208 0.47 (0.46)
% block group Hispanic, 1990 208 0.22 (0.29)
% block group below poverty level, 1990 208 0.25 (0.22)
% block group with BLL test, 1995–1997 average (centered) 208 0.02 (0.36)
Impulsivity, wave 4 (standardized) 208 0.05 (1.04)
Anxiety or depression, wave 4 (standardized) 208 0.08 (1.10)
BMI, wave 4, kg/m2 208 23.68 (5.33)

Note. BLL = blood lead level; BMI = body mass index; GED = general equivalency diploma; TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.