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. 2017 May 1;52(5):334–340. doi: 10.1177/0018578717715352

Table 2.

Critical Care Pharmacy Residency Program Directors Survey Results: Market Perception.

n (%)a Mean ± SD
Over the past 5 years, CC positions at your organization have: NA
 Increased 20 (30.8)
 Remained stable 44 (67.7)
 Decreased 1 (1.5)
How easy would it be for you or a peer to find alternative CC employment? NA
 Very easy (<1 month) 2 (3.2)
 Easy (1-3 months) 29 (46.0)
 Difficult (3-6 months) 23 (36.5)
 Very difficult (>6 months) 9 (14.3)
What is your perception of the CC pharmacist market in your area? NA
 High demand: difficult to fill open positions 1 (1.6)
 Moderate demand: some difficulty filling open positions 18 (29.0)
 Demand is in balance with supply 17 (27.4)
 Demand is less than the available supply 20 (32.3)
 Demand is much less than the available supply 6 (9.7)
In the past 5 years, how many CC pharmacists have left the organization (primary responsibility >50% in ICU setting)? 2.0 ± 1.9

Note. CC = critical care; ICU = intensive care unit.


Percentages are for individual question responses not of total survey respondents.